Saturday, January 28, 2012

Red Hook - Blueline Series: Extra Special Birthday

Red Hook - Blueline Series: Extra Special Birthday
- Very light, clear/clean grains/malts aromatics .. hint of spices/citrus
- Dark & clear amber color .. light CO2 bubbles, thins out to a creamy head
- Complex tastes of the dark malts, bread like grains, spices & a slight Belgium ale banana flavor .. not much hops
- This is abit of an odd one for me .. it's different, hard to place .. 6.5/10

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Harmon Brewing Co - Pt. Defiance IPA (6.1% ABV)

Harmon Brewing Co - Pt. Defiance IPA (6.1% ABV)
- Light sweetish hoppy/malty aromatics
- Medium body mouthy feel, slightly silky smooth
- Lightly sweet & slightly hoppy, slightly amber malty
- Fairly clean after taste .. an odd mix of the slightly sweet & bitter hops & malts
- Not much of a bitter hoppy IPA .. it's a bit sweet IMO
- I might try it again .. 6.5/10

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Trade Route Brewing - Hoppy Bitch IPA (6.3% ABV, OG 15 plato, IBU 60)

Trade Route Brewing - Hoppy Bitch IPA (6.3% ABV, OG 15 plato, IBU 60)
- Nice Columbus Hops aromatics ... Mmmmm
- Slightly velvety smooth, medium body mouthy feel
- Clean hoppy bitterness, not very bitter, or flowery/sweet
- Finish/aftertaste has a trailing citrus/metallic like bitterness
- This is a bit of an odd one .. I was expecting something different .. like Stone IPA .. nope
- I'll have to try this again to see if its a bug batch .. 6.5/10